#Millions To Save Before I Sleep

Dr Amit Lala Khomane Intensivist | Diabetologist | Physician

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About the creator

Dr. Amit Lala Khomane: Chief Intensivist at Kaushalya Hospital, COVID-19 Taskforce member, and respected Physician. With extensive academic and clinical background, he's a leader in critical care, holding DNB, FCPS, MRCP qualifications. An experienced medical simulation instructor trained by Mayo Clinic, he co-founded various fellowships, taught critical care programs, and organized MEDINSPIRE, India's leading Medical Conference. 


livesession | Test webinar

Test webinar


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livesession | Ammonia - Ways to get it down .

Ammonia - Ways to get it down .


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livesession | Sugar Control Secrets: Mastering Diabetes Through Diet with Dr. Amit Lala Khomane

Sugar Control Secrets: Mastering Diabetes Through Diet with Dr. Amit Lala Khomane


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